Due to local wisdom “Prepare the sled in summer, and cart in winter”, we would like to tell you about one of Central Asian miracle. Historical motherland of karakul is the territory of modern Uzbekistan. In its time Bukharian emir presented flock of sheep to the English diplomat, thanks to this event people are able to see African karakul. Nowadays, karakul sheep are bred also in Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Iraq, Romania, and Moldavia.

Karakul sheep is a unique animal. It can drink saltwater and survive in various temperatures in Kyzyl-Kum from -30 to +50C. In order to grow lamb in sheep, it needs great inter power and a little luck. Not also lambs can stand for the transition from breast milk to coarse Kyzyl Kum food, cold or hot temperature. Selection the strongest ones is the skill well-tested for centuries. The rest is to be flayed skins; it is about one of five small sheep. They have a hair cut twice a year and the wool is sent to well-known woolen carpet factory. After a couple of years, sheep rub their teeth from coarse desert food and lose the ability to live further. Actually, one who uses fur and meat of karakul sheep follows natural choice unlike a bag of fur animal. The benefit of this animal to human is invaluable.

In the Middle Ages, Bukharina tradespeople brought soft luxury furs on Great Silk Road to the Mediterranean regions where they spread over Europe. Especially, karakul fur was popular in Khorezm, where is always severe winter. Furriery mastership reached Excellency in this region. With the method of tests and mistakes, people leaned work out the animal skins and make the fur beautiful and long-lasting.

Karakul fur passes on one generation to another. They are very usable, strong-durable and warm.

Black karakul is interesting with the pattern of its tight curls. Curls of grey karakul are not tight and furry. Golden-brown and platinum is a rarity. Uzbek karakul is highly valuable, but the cost of product comparatively is not high. This is the cause of its popularity in the world. And the fantasy of modern fashion designers turns the fur into work of art – each fur is unique.